Function Azalea_UPC_A(ByVal UPCnumber As String) As String ' UPCTools 16may12 jwhiting ' Copyright 2012 Azalea Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ' Creating a UPC version A in Excel ' Your input, UPCnumber, is a string consisting of an 11-, 12-, or 14-digit number. ' company prefix + product ID, company prefix + product ID + check digit, or GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number) Dim checkDigitSubtotal As Integer ' a check digit throwaway Dim i As Integer ' our loop counter Dim checkDigit As String ' the check digit itself Dim temp As String ' a temporary placeholder ' Possible valid input includes 11-digits (no check digit), 12-digits (with check digit), or 14-digits (GTIN). Select Case Len(UPCnumber) Case 11 ' We're going to do the UPC check digit calculation because the input doesn't have it. Case 12 ' Let's strip your check digit and calculate it from scratch. UPCnumber = Left(UPCnumber, 11) Case 14 ' GTIN input, but we're going to strip the leading 2 and the last characters to extract the 11-digit input without check digit. UPCnumber = Mid(UPCnumber, 3, 11) Case Else ' Your error handling goes here... End Select ' Build the output string beginning with the first human-readable digit, a spacer, the left guard bars, and the bars for the first character. Select Case Left(UPCnumber, 1) Case "0" temp = "U|xa" Case "1" temp = "[|xb" Case "2" temp = "V|xc" Case "3" temp = "W|xd" Case "4" temp = "X|xe" Case "5" temp = "Y|xf" Case "6" temp = "Z|xg" Case "7" temp = "u|xh" Case "8" temp = "\|xi" Case "9" temp = "]|xj" End Select ' Continue with the 5 numbers in the left notch. For i = 2 To 6 Step 1 temp = temp + Chr(65 + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, i, 1)))) Next i ' Now we need to do the UPC A check digit calculation. ' Add up the numbers in the odd positions left to right. Multiple the result by 3. ' Add up the numbers in the even positions. Now add the first subtotal to the second. ' The UPC barcode check digit is the single digit number makes the total a multiple of 10. checkDigitSubtotal = (Val(Left(UPCnumber, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 3, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 5, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 7, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 9, 1))) + (Val(Right(UPCnumber, 1))) checkDigitSubtotal = (3 * checkDigitSubtotal) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 2, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 4, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 6, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 8, 1))) + (Val(Mid(UPCnumber, 10, 1))) checkDigit = Right(Str(300 - checkDigitSubtotal), 1) ' Continue to build the output string by adding the center guard bars, 5 digits in the right notch, check digit and right guard bars. temp = temp + "y" + Right(UPCnumber, 5) + Chr(107 + (Val(checkDigit))) + "z" ' Lastly let's add the human readable for the check digit in the lower right corner. Select Case checkDigit Case "0" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "U" Case "1" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "[" Case "2" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "V" Case "3" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "W" Case "4" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "X" Case "5" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "Y" Case "6" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "Z" Case "7" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "u" Case "8" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "\" Case "9" Azalea_UPC_A = temp + "]" End Select ' The output, Azalea_UPC_A, needs to be formatted in one of Azalea Software's UPC fonts. ' We recommend UPCTallThin at 73 points. ' Excel: B1=Azalea_UPC_A(A1) ' Or put another way, yourContainer.text=Azalea_UPC_A(yourInputString) End Function